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Political Civility in the Workplace

Election Day 2024 is right around the corner, and you may notice that some workers are very passionate about their chosen candidate(s) or issue(s). You may notice tension building within teams that traditionally got along but are now experiencing ideological differences that have crept into their working relationships. What do you do now?

It is important to honor, respect and support the right to vote. While you can't have a policy to manage everything, you may want to implement guidelines for your employees. The guidelines should discourage or not allow for political discussions or debates with clients, co-workers, suppliers, and anyone during working times, or while using work resources. You may also want to limit them from wearing items (shirts/buttons) that express their support or dislike of a candidate, party or ballot issue. Let them know that they should conduct these types of exchanges during non-working hours.

If you are looking for a draft of a policy, you can use this as the basis. For more information, contact us at HR E-Z. We can design a plan that works for you. If you haven't already posted the required notice for Voters Rights in CA, here's a link to the document that you must share at least 10 days prior to a statewide or national election for CA employers, please do so now. It must be posted/emailed even if it is in your handbook. Scroll to the bottom and click the language. If you need an Employee Handbook, we can help you with that, too!

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